We can find forms on almost every website. In this blog, we will see how we can validate user inputs with the help of JavaScript. Form validation is the process of verifying that a form has been filled in accurately before it is submitted. Here, we’ll see if all the fields are of correct values, […]
Learn the basic details of CSS here
CSS is a web language, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets. With the help of it, we can make a web page attractive. It gives style to the pages. How our web pages look like that depends on CSS, a page can be displayed in a different look by it. By using CSS, we can control […]
Simplified methods of working with DOM
A web page is a document which can be displayed in the web browsers or as the HTML source but ultimately both are the same document. Document Object Model (DOM) represents the same document to be manipulated. An object-oriented representation of any web page is called DOM. This web page can be modified with JavaScript. […]
Upload images to your S3 instance using Laravel
S3 is a package of Amazon Web Services(AWS), where we can store a large number of files. So, basically, it is a storage device. It has one big advantage. You can configure the permission access of files from your AWS Console. Configure S3 with Laravel: <> open the link https://aws.amazon.com/console <> hover your mouse on […]
Beginners Guide to learn HTML Technology
If you want to create a web-page, firstly you have to know HTML. So, what is HTML? HTML is an evolving language, which allows you to create a website. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. In 1990 Tim Berners-Lee first developed HTML. HTML 1.0 was the first version of HTML and the latest version […]
Upload and Display Image using JavaScript and PHP
In this blog, I’ll show how to upload and display an image with both JavaScript and PHP. Please follow these steps. Step 1 First make a folder named, “upload-image”. Under “upload-image”, create another folder for the image, named “image” where my image will show after upload. Step 2 1. Create a file named, “index.php” […]
How to create a simple puzzle game in java?
One quite useful way to view mathematical puzzles is as games where only one person (the person playing the game) makes moves. We can borrow all the theoretical tools to learn the theory of games to research puzzles. For instance, we can use the same backtracking algorithm that proves that there is a winning strategy […]
Top Reasons for using React Native for mobile apps development
React Native is a JavaScript framework that is used for creating native mobile applications for iOS and Android. It is built on React, Facebook’s JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It targets mobile platforms, instead of targeting the browser. Mobile app developers can now write mobile applications that look and feel truly “native”, all from the […]
Cloud Firestore in Android: How does it work?
Cloud Firestore is a cloud-hosted, flexible, scalable NoSQL database used for mobile, web and server development from Firebase and Google Cloud Platform and can be accessed directly via native SDK’s. This Cloud Firestore is also used for native Node.js, Java, Python, and Go SDKs, in addition to REST and RPC APIs. In Cloud firestore, data can […]
How to Generate PDF Documents in WordPress using CPT and ACF
WordPress allows us to easily generate PDF files and make them available for download. In this blog, I’ll explain how to simply create and open the PDF files with CPT and ACF in the WordPress site. Create ACF Field Advanced Custom Fields is a WordPress plugin which allows us to add extra content fields to our WordPress. Please […]