WordPress allows us to easily generate PDF files and make them available for download. In this blog, I’ll explain how to simply create and open the PDF files with CPT and ACF in the WordPress site. Create ACF Field Advanced Custom Fields is a WordPress plugin which allows us to add extra content fields to our WordPress. Please […]
Solution Of Concurrent Exception In JAVA (Android)
Hello guys! We all know about a Collection named ArrayList. You can find this class in java. This class belongs to the package “package java.util;”. We can store any kind of values inside this class and can sort, reverse accordingly. But you will face a problem while sorting with respect to any class with the […]
5 advanced CSS tricks that every designer should know
The CSS technology has opened a whole new gateway for the web and mobile app designers. But, do you think you know the complete feature of the CSS technology? There is an ocean of tricks hidden in the CSS technology. Learning about those hidden tricks can take you ahead of your competitors in every aspect. […]
Easy And Helpful Steps Of Creating A New Branch With Git
When you do a pull request on a branch, you’ll be able to still work on another branch and create another pull request on this other branch. Before creating a completely new branch, pull the changes from upstream. Your master needs to be up to date. $ git pull Create the branch on your native […]
Learn The Best Way of cropping image by using Javascript Library
If you ever get stuck in a situation where you have to crop an area of an image like a circle or like a square or maybe a rectangle area in a web application then there’s a way of achieving that by using a Javascript library or plugin called Croppie. It is fast, and you will get a lot of configuration options to customize it as you need. If I can […]
JSON is basically used when we want to send back data to the client server. JSON ENCODE means if the data type is in array format then it actually turns into JSON OBJECT, and JSON DECODE is vice versa to the JSON encode. here I can show you a small example of JSON ENCODE $data […]
As a lot of and a lot of folks area unit clench modernized technology, the demand for mobile apps has accumulated to an oversized extent. In order to remain abreast with the growing want of the purchasers and businesses, the constant influx of the niche technology, frameworks, and also the platforms becomes a requirement. For […]
How to treat your employees for better productivity?
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy… it has been an ancient proverb that reminds us of the capability of the human brain and how it can be optimized. In the present day scenario, we tend to forget this and instead keep an eye only on the wheel of profit. It is […]
Some useful differences between CSS and SCSS
CSS is the styling language which is used to style web pages. Initially, CSS was written to style the HTML pages which grows more and more in the line of codes if the HTML pages increases. As the project gets bigger, maintenance & readability of CSS code gets harder. CSS causes some problems like: Big effort […]
Create Your Own Flipbook with Turnjs
Hello guys, Today I am introducing a simple example of how can we make an image flipbook with the help of Turn JS. Turn JS is nothing but a JavaScript library that helps us to create beautiful magazines or books like user view with the advantage of HTML5. Here is the html part, first you […]