
An Overview of Wireless Local Area Networks

By Moumita Basak

An Overview of Wireless Local Area Networks

Wireless Local Area Network: A Wireless LAN is a wireless computer network that connects two or more devices using radio frequency channels as their physical medium within a limited area, such as home, office, school, computer laboratory etc. Wireless Local Area Networks are the popularly increasing wireless networks which provide the network services without connecting with wires or cables is very difficult and too expensive to lay cabling for a wireless network. Access points and Network interface cards are two basic components of Wireless Local Area Network. The stationary nodes are called Access Point which concerns with coordination of communication between the nodes and exchanges the information by means of the antenna in the Wireless Local Area Network. In a Wireless Local Area Network, Access Points can transmit and receive data. A Network Interface card scans available frequency spectrum from the environment and normally connects a wireless station to the access point in the Wireless LAN.

Wireless Local Area Network can be categorized into three types-
Infrared  Local Area Networks (IR-LAN) These type of LANs are basically used at home for various remote control devices. IR LANs are such type of Wireless LANs that are bounded in a single room as it cannot penetrate the opaque walls. Infrared  Local Area Networks are inexpensive and simple to design.
Spread Spectrum Local Area Networks(SSLAN)– Spread Spectrum Local Area Networks(SSLAN) operates in ISM (Industrial, Scientific, and Medical) bands whose topology can be either hub or peer to peer. The major function of hub is automatic hand off of mobile stations where FCC licensing is not required.

Narrow-band microwave– In Narrow band microwave LAN where frequencies cannot be used as it operates on microwave. These type of Wireless Local Area Networks need FCC licensing for some products.

Advantages Of Wireless Local Area Network
  • Flexibility and mobility is greater advantage of Wireless Local Area Network.
  • Wireless Local Area Networks are very easy to install because there is no need of cable or wire connection.
  • Portability is another advantage of Wireless Local Area Network.
  • Maintenance cost is less. So it is less expensive.

Moumita Basak Subscriber
Android Developer , Openweb Solutions

Android Developer at Openweb Solutions

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