
Kishan Sahaj: Mobile App For Guided and Easy Scientific Agriculture

By Sanjiban Roy

Agriculture app development

Kishan Sahaj: Mobile App For Guided and Easy Scientific Agriculture

Sometimes, a completely out of the box step is required to create a marvel. It is such a step which does not follow the “sure-shot” successful traditional way. The road is highly risky because of the factor of great uncertainty. But, if we can be brave enough and follow our heart, we can ourselves create an exclusive path which others can follow afterward. This wonderful philosophy was once again tested and proved recently by Openweb Solutions.

In a fine morning, we received a phone call from an entrepreneur from U.P. He was impressed by our works in the agricultural domain and wants us to create an agricultural mobile app. His main idea was to help the greatest population of India, i.e. the farmers.

The general workflow would be like this: the entrepreneur would run a customer care center from where he could provide support to the farmers. The farmers who would like to avail the opportunity of his service would register in the mobile app.

Features for Farmers:
  • The farmers can update their profile information, along with their profile picture.
  • They will receive the upcoming weather forecast.
  • View all agriculture-related news provided by the admin.
  • Farmers will be able to add their rowing information and can keep track of the rowing history.
  • Prices of grains related information depending on the farmer’s location and availability of added data by the admin.
  • To receive help, farmers can enquire from the admin; either by filling up a form or by recording their voice.
  • When admin will respond, they can find the solution in an ‘inbox’ section of the app.

The app is not limited to the above-discussed features only. There are a plethora of features available for the admin also.

Features for Admin:
  • View the list of all users registered through the app.
  • Add different news for farmers.
  • Reply to all inquiries done by farmers.
  • Can view all the rowing records added by each farmer.
  • Add different grains and their respective selling prices in different states/cities.


We were impressed at his new idea and this opportunity of creating something for our society. But, on the other hand, we were a bit skeptical too. This is because just building an app will certainly add something extra to our portfolio and make us some monetary profit, but that does not necessarily create a success story. And we at Openweb Solutions, always believe in creating a success story. One of the primary reasons for our doubt was if the farmers could afford smartphones to use this splendid service. Besides, the network availability in remote rural places as well as the affordability of internet packs for the farmers. But, the gentleman was very much enthusiastic and encouraged us to create the app. So, we jumped into the development part and at last developed and made the app live.

In today’s date, we are really proud to announce the app has become a huge success. That entrepreneur is successfully running his service with a large database of farmers using his app. He has ensured the farmers are greatly satisfied using the app as they have found it very much useful. The digitization of the agriculture process has started a revolution and everyone is earning profit more than ever.

Certainly, the recent trend of rapid decrease in the cost of smartphones and internet charges as well as improvement of mobile networks has led to the success of the project. We have also received immense satisfaction knowing the app is serving the society in such a great manner.

Do you also have an idea that can create a revolution in any domain? Wait no more! Contact us, lets together create another success story today!

Sanjiban Roy Subscriber
Business Development Executive , Openweb Solutions

Transforming Ideas into Reality for 10+ years.

Business Development Executive
Posts created 3

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