
Manufacturing Industry and COVID-19! Is there a way to survive?

By Partha Ghosh

Manufacturing Industry and COVID-19! Is there a way to survive?

The manufacturing industry is one of those sectors that solely depends on huge manpower for their operations. Many industrialists in the manufacturing sector are estimating that the COVID-19 crisis is going to affect them the most in comparison to others. There are some calculated facts giving rise to this concern among the manufacturing giants.

Even though the government may lift the lockdown after some time, the economic slowdown will persist. Most of the manufacturing industries depend on outstation employees for working in their plants. But, nowadays, all of them have returned to their home towns due to lockdown. So, even with the lifting of the lockdown, finding workers to work in the plants will be difficult.

What we are talking about here is Industry 4.0, i.e. the ultra advancement of digitization in the manufacturing industry. So, let us learn here what is included in the Industry 4.0 model. Though some of the technologies may seem futuristic, these have already been implemented in some sectors.

How technologies can help the manufacturing sector?

Cloud computing or Big Data:

There is no doubt that for remote official works in the manufacturing industry, cloud computing is the best option to go for. The executive workers can continue their works even from the safety of their home towns with this technology. All the data will be safely and securely handled by your trusted employees.

Robotics and machines:

It is not a dream anymore that robots and machines can be used in the production industry. Many industries around the world are already using it and enjoying a higher production rate with less manpower. So, you can also look for the ways in which robots and machines can help your business stay in shape in this crisis.

IoT or Internet of Things:

This technology can enable you to remotely access and control almost everything in your plant and office. To know how IoT is helping another high manpower dependent industry like yours: Click Here. You cannot only control the robots and machines in your plants, but also basic things like light, fan, etc.

SaaS technology:

The modern and highly customized software or apps can help you to work efficiently and easily in this time of crisis too. You can develop an app according to your business needs. The app has the power to carry on many crucial works related to your manufacturing business like finance, management, etc.

These technologies can become a great relief for your business in this time of crisis. But, the foremost thing you should give stress on is raising your capital. As long as the earning is constant, it doesn’t matter if you raise a huge profit or not right now.

In Openweb Solutions, there are experts who can help you with these technological aspects. Try their free consultation service today to know more.

Stay home and stay safe!

Partha Ghosh Administrator
Branding Specialist , Openweb Solutions

Partha is the expert Branding Specialist at Openweb Solutions. Apart from doing his job, he is also a hardcore Digital Marketing Enthusiast and Senior Content Writer who loves exploring and experimenting with new digital marketing techniques thus involved in the entire digital marketing process. To know more about him, here is his LinkedIn profile: Click here!

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