
How to Create Todo List in Angular 7?

By Aheli Bharadwaj

How to Create Todo List in Angular 7?

As we all know todo list is a list of some urgent important works which we note down and place that somewhere close to our vision so that it will remind us to do that job in particular time or day. Nowadays, our life is becoming more and more digital. So here is a small example of the todo list with the help of angular7.


Application overview:


  • With the help of todo list, one can add the task by typing and clicking on the add button.
  • One can also drag the task and manage the tasks as per their priority list.
  • After completion of a particular task, one can also remove the task by checking the checkbox and clicking on the delete button.


Frontend View:



We Have Used:


  • Bootstrap
  • Material design
  • Dragdrop plugin




To get the code go to GitHub “https://github.com/aheli94/Todo-List


Aheli Bharadwaj Subscriber
Web Designer , Openweb Solutions

Web Designer and tech enthusiast at Openweb Solutions. I love to learn about new technologies and share the idea with others.

Posts created 5

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