
7 Must have features for developing App like Urbanclap

By John Dave

7 Must have features for developing App like Urbanclap

Today is the era of technology, where the individuals believe in doing things that are quick and easy. The majority of the world’s population is expected to turn to smart phones by the year 2021 as stated by one of the studies. The means of doing business has also switched from face to face to online platforms. The shift from one platform to another poses a challenge of keeping a consumer or user hooked to one’s platform, which one may avoid by making consistently upgrading their system. Statistical reports state that 25 percent of the applications installed on one’s phone is never used. It is said that every company must make sure to have at least one nicely modulated application. There are many features that have the capacity to help one’s business application become more engaging and regularly used. These are the 7 must have features that one should keep in mind while developing an App like Urbanclap.


  1. Push Notification

A push notification is a kind of notification where a message pops up on one’s smart phone. The app publishers have the liberty to send these messages at any time and the user to do not have to open the particular app to receive it. The push notifications are the essential ways of achieving constant activity in one’s application.

  1. Easy and Simple Navigation Tool

While building a mobile application one should keep in mind the size of the screen and quality of content. Given that a mobile gives a limited space due to its smaller display screens, one must make sure that one’s application is clutter-free and the content does not appear crowded on-screen. The navigational tool should be easy and the display of one’s product and services should be projected in an attractive way.

  1. Customization Option

The key to the success of one’s mobile application is to promote users’ interests. Whenever a user downloads an app, he has a few basic demands from the app is have flawless navigation, hassle-free encounter and a level of personal touch. One’s application must have few customizable key features that give the users the options to choose personalized preferences.

  1. Easy registration process

The most annoying thing that a consumer usually has to go through is fill up lengthy registration forms, the same consumer does not want the lengthy registration process within the realms of mobile applications. One must make the registration process easy and prompt as much as possible. Regular sign up and log out are the worst mood spoilers of all, so one should avoid such reminders and application while designing an application.

  1. Social Media Connectivity

To promote business and usability of one’s mobile application, one should provide the users with a platform where they can connect to various social media sites. Log in and sign up related to the social media sites are more convenient and easy for the consumers. Giving them a way to retrieve his or her password from such sites makes it more user-friendly.

  1. Relevant information

The content of the mobile must be relevant; they should contain information that is not available on the company’s websites. The content of the app should not be the smaller version of the website. The app must do things that one’s website cannot.

  1. Analytics

The key component of designing a mobile application is to use analytics to do the same. The app owner or business should be able to track down the users’ activities and experience so as to improve for future usage. The data gathered from the tracking are majorly used up to create necessary updates.

The above-mentioned features are more than enough making one’s business popular in the mobile application industry. These features may help one find customers that may become one’s constant users.

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