
How to write an interesting blog comment?

By Munmun Das

How to write an interesting blog comment?

What is Blog Comment?

A blog became popular for many reasons. One of the reason is its comments. Some great comments make a blog interesting and also popular. In short, comments are a form of communication with blogger and viewers. Some experts say ‘blog commenting is a lot like dating.’

Most of the blogs allow a sphere at the end of the post for a blog reader to leave a comment. Readers can share their thoughts on the topic and start a discussion with the blogger. Blog commenting is a popular online marketing strategy. To get the most out of blog commenting, it’s important to search good quality of blogs and comment there on a regular basis.

Initially, before writing any comment, lots of questions are gathering in our mind. Let’s discuss…

  • How we start or write a good comment?
  • How does it finish?
  • what type of words we use?
  • Can we express our viewpoint on that topic?
  • Will our comment be useful to someone?

How to start blog comment?

  • Firstly, greet everyone.
  • Next, we should appreciate their post and tell them how much we like their post.
  • Give them either a compliment or criticize.
  • In the end, if contents are good and useful to everybody, give them promises to share their post.

The ideal comments are that when someone tells that they are going to share the post on social media platform and besides to tag the blogger. This is the sign of a good blog commenter. In the end, good blog comments make a vow. After a successful comment, anyone is eagerly waiting for a second comment. At the same time, should read the blogger’s other post and leave comments there.

The most interesting point is a good commenter should enhance their personality through good comments. We also leave negative comments but our critique and arguments should be valid. Overall discussion is some basic approach to give a better comment. So, keep commenting…

Munmun Das Subscriber
Web Designer , Openweb Solutions

Front-end Developer and Technology Enthusiast at Openweb Solutions

Posts created 11

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