
Firefox introduces it’s newest version Quantum

By Preetam Mallick

Firefox introduces it’s newest version Quantum


Mozilla Firefox introduces it’s fine updated version Quantum. Why it is the best filter version of all previous versions of Firefox? Here are the answers.

Quantum is really very fast. Firefox Quantum is over twice as fast as all previous versions of Firefox, built on a completely overhauled core engine with brand new technology stolen from our advanced research group, and graced with a beautiful new look designed to get out of the way and let you do what you do best: surf a ton of pages, open a zillion tabs, all guilt free because Firefox Quantum uses less memory than the competition.

It’s by far the biggest update Firefox, it’s just flat out better in every way. If you go and install it, you’ll immediately notice the difference.

The first thing you’ll notice is the speed. The second thing you’ll notice is the new User Interface (UI Photon) and its goal is to modernize and unify anything that we call Firefox while taking advantage of the speedy new engine. The Photon UI itself is incredibly fast and smooth. The designers of Firefox created a system that scales to more than just current hardware.

As part of Mozilla’s focus on user experience and performance in Firefox Quantum, Google will also become it’s new default search provider in the United States and Canada. With more than 60 search providers pre-installed across more than 90 languages, Firefox has more choice in search providers than any other browser.

They made many, many performance improvements in the browser’s core and shipped a new CSS engine, Stylo, that takes better advantage of today’s hardware with multiple cores that are optimized for low power consumption. They have also improved Firefox so that the tab you’re on gets prioritized over all others, making better use of your valuable system resources.

You can view the new look of Mozilla Firefox here on Youtube

The best thing is all about Quantum’s new updated debugger. If you are not a web technical person, you will not able to understand the word debugger. It is very much helpful and easier to handle with lots of new options introduces to all the web developers.

One great feature have introduced by Firefox is that you can take screenshot wherever you want, whatever you want to take in the web page. This feature is in-built within Firefox Quantum.

You can download the Newest version of Quantum from its official website.


Source Courtesy : Mozilla Firefox Official

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Preetam Mallick Subscriber
Frontend Developer , Openweb Solutions

By profession I am a Frontend Developer at Openweb Solutions.

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