
Mobile App Development: 3 Trends to Expect in Post COVID World

By Partha Ghosh

mobile app development companies

Mobile App Development: 3 Trends to Expect in Post COVID World

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the world a lot and there is no chance that everything will return to the pre-pandemic era. It is really sad but true that many businesses have to suspend or reduce their operation due to this pandemic. But, there is a brighter phase of this pandemic, i.e. many emerging technologies have gained acceleration in their research and development. The technological advancement is especially in those fields that reduce physical contacts, automate processes, and enhance productivity while maintaining social distancing. And all these innovations are found highly relatable with mobile app development.

With mobile apps, lots of operations are possible to conduct without even physically going out of the house. In this post, you will get to know about the top 5 emerging mobile trends to expect in post-pandemic. This will help you to prepare your future business plans accordingly.

Top 5 mobile app development trend of the post-pandemic era

5G connectivity

5G is obviously not a new concept. You may have heard about its arrival buzzing since the last year. It is not a modified version of the 4G connectivity. Rather, it is completely a new network infrastructure. But, still, the technology is not in approach of everyone. One of the main reasons behind it is the telecom service provider’s fear.

They are reluctant to build capacity or you can say spend money on 5G. They are not confident about customers’ demand for 5G.

But, the recent situation caused by the COVID pandemic has changed the scenario. As more and more people are forced to work and study from home, the demand for more bandwidth has increased exponentially.

According to CCS Insight,

CCS Insight Predicts 1 Billion Users of 5G by 2023, with More Than Half in China

So, we can expect to see the 5G live into everyone’s approach soon.

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Use of voice-tech in mobile apps

Touching things without cleaning our hands has always been considered unhygienic. But, after the hit of the COVID, this concept has found new heights. As coronavirus spread through touch, people have been trying to minimize touching things as much as possible. So, what if there is a technology that can do things by following your verbal commands. Isn’t it much more hygienic?

Now mobile apps are coming with voice-tech but its uses are expected to be double during the post-pandemic era. It is expected that voice usage will grow and find its root in smart home technologies. People will operate their daily life technologies light, fan, television, etc. more through voice-enabled mobile apps.

Cloud computing

Obviously, cloud computing has been there for a very long time but like 5G, its usage is expected to increase a lot in the post-pandemic era. It is famous for accessing remote data from anywhere and storing a large amount of data without affecting the mobile storage. And these functionalities have been proven to be highly beneficial during the pandemic situation.

Evaluation of this data clearly gives us another expectation. Most mobile apps will come with cloud computing

Due to the social distancing situation and work from home model, cloud-based video conferencing and teaching demands have skyrocketed. Many cloud-based vendors have upgraded their functions and resources to meet the demand of enterprises. Some of the popular examples are Zoom and Microsoft Teams.

It is expected that moving ahead the educational institutions and businesses will continue working with these technologies. As the demand for these technologies will grow, so as the demand to implement them in mobile for easier access.

Take away about trends in mobile app development

This pandemic is like a global crisis that is going to reshape the world. Many technology trends that are underway will gain acceleration. So, it is best to start investing even if little in these emerging technologies beforehand. This will help you to remain prepared when everyone else will be in confusion about what to do next. Contact a professional mobile app developer to gather knowledge and proceed with such tasks.

Remember, the old saying

“Prevention is better than cure”.

So, make a decision and take precautionary steps by hiring a professional mobile app development company rather than waiting for the cure after everything happens.

Partha Ghosh Administrator
Branding Specialist , Openweb Solutions

Partha is the expert Branding Specialist at Openweb Solutions. Apart from doing his job, he is also a hardcore Digital Marketing Enthusiast and Senior Content Writer who loves exploring and experimenting with new digital marketing techniques thus involved in the entire digital marketing process. To know more about him, here is his LinkedIn profile: Click here!

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