
Fleet Management and Tracking Software for Business in the Trucking and Its Importance

By Aditi Das

Fleet Management Software

Fleet Management and Tracking Software for Business in the Trucking and Its Importance

 Fleet management software is an application that helps transport companies to organize, manage and coordinate work vehicles from a central information system. This kind of software helps to handle the overall modern fleet organization running smoothly.

                        Openweb Solution’s Fleet management software is scalable, user-friendly and effective enough to help fleet management companies to improve performance, reduce costs, and provide compliance with government regulation.

Important Features of Fleet Management Software:

             Today’s best fleet management software products are powerful, versatile and agile enough to satisfy the needs of a business. For many organizations, vehicle equipment assets and the labor needed to maintain high expenses. To succeed or overcome this situation, fleet managers need an effective software tool to proactively manage these costs and maintain your vehicles well, so you can get the most long-term use of your fleet.

Here you can get the list of features to check why do you need Fleet management and Tracking software for Business in the Trucking?

  • Complete vehicle equipment life-cycle management
  • Robust work order functionality
  • Route planning and optimization
  • Dispatch and shop scheduling 
  • Warranty and price and quote management
  • Cargo optimization
  • Claim tracking  systems
  • Reduce labor expenses
  • Reduce wasted mileage
Check Out for the 8 Main Tasks of Fleet Management Software:

Fleet management software can be integrated with vehicle telematics and tracking to match driver performance with vehicle performance and requirements. Whether you run a fleet of tow trucks, utility trucks or service vehicles, you need to know that your vehicles are where they are supposed to be and your drivers are using those vehicles safely and efficiently. 

Now let’s focus on the 8 Main tasks of fleet management with a wide range of responsibilities.

  • Driver management and licensing

It’s very important to take care of a valid and current license of the drivers for the vehicle that they are driving. A company needs to know when a driver’s license or license endorsements expire, and if the driver has received demerit points or a suspension or disqualification. Driver management might also include reminders for eyesight and medical checks based on a pre-defined period or reaching a certain age.

  • Vehicle Acquisition

Consideration of the job the vehicle has to do, the load it must carry, and the geography assets are necessary for forecasting and planning fleet purchases. There may also be features to manage the grey fleet, ensuring that a vehicle owned by a staff member is approved for use.

  • Manage Maintenance Programs

 Maintenance programs need to consider tire programs and policies, a glass program that handles windshield repairs and replacements, managing warranty recalls and goodwill. If a vehicle fails its warrant of fitness, the implications of this should be registered across the vehicle’s availability to staff, and other vehicles may need to be scheduled in its place.

  •  Manage Fuel Programs

 Fuel is consistently one of the three greatest expenses in a fleet budget. Various tools, including telematics, fuel reporting, and gamification are used to influence drivers to purchase fuel according to their policy.

  • Insurance Management Vehicle

Fleet management must be maintained Insurance across the entire vehicle and get aware of the types of drivers, the level of risks and more.

  •  Cost Management Programs

. Calculates for the total cost of ownership include maintenance, depreciation, fuel use and other metrics. Fleet management is also able to accept reports from fuel card suppliers and also calculate emission data. The call to reduce costs is posing the considerable challenge to fleet managers who already run highly efficient fleet operations.

  • Telematics and Tracking

 telematics like GPSGLONASS or cellular triangulation, which is less expensive, use GPS to track a vehicle’s movements so that you could get updates every few seconds or few minutes.

  • Security Assets

Tag your vehicles and other business assets as you can prevent loss due to theft, or the use of company vehicles without permission or during non-operating hours.

                                  Fleet managers have access to sophisticated vehicle diagnostic reporting, asset tracking, insurance, government regulation and insight into driver behaviors. Fleet management software can monitor vehicle operation for mechanical problems and maintenance to continue or improve the overall productivity of your company. Thus fleet managers can gain new insight into their business with improvements and efficiencies. fleet management software offers you all these essential features and designs to meet all your needs in small- to medium-sized businesses.








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