
How to improve the readability of your Blog?

By Munmun Das

How to improve the readability of your Blog?

A blog is one of the fields where someone who loves to write, share their experience on different subjects. There are many useful tips for blog writing. In this article,  I’ll discuss some important tips. Check the tips given below:

  • Make sure paragraphs aren’t too long. The articles consist of a minimum 300 words.
  • Write short sentences. Shorter sentences are easier to read.
  • Transition words should be used as much as you can. Similarly, avoid useless words and passive styles.
  • Should be used minimum 2 or more subheadings.
  • Not to use stop words in a slug name.
  • Should be checked Flesch reading ease score.   


     Here I briefly discuss what is Flesch reading ease score?


 Flesch reading ease score

In 1948, Flesch reading ease was created by Rudolph Flesch. It is a readability test. The Reading Ease test revealed from an experiment in the educational field. Now, the Flesch Reading Ease is used in the various sector. The score of the Reading Ease formula lies between 1 and 100.  The highest score means content is more readable besides lowest score means the content is less readable. Small words and short sentences get the highest score. Similarly, long sentences with longer words get the lowest score.

Flesch reading ease score system

1. When someone gets a score of 100 or more than 100, that means, the content is very smooth and easily understood.

2. A score of 60-70 means, the content is good for common readers or 13- 15 year-old students. Scores around 62 on the Flesch Readability Scale, that means it is the average range for online content.

3. A score of 0-30 means, the content is fitted for University work.

How do the tests work?



The formula of Flesch reading ease is —

206.835 – 1.015 x (words/sentences) – 84.6 x (syllables/words).

These are the very few tips that will help anyone to increase the readability score. Keep Writing.



Munmun Das Subscriber
Web Designer , Openweb Solutions

Front-end Developer and Technology Enthusiast at Openweb Solutions

Posts created 11

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