
Portfolio - teachersintouch

About the project

TeachersinTouch transforms teaching, so that every moment a teacher spends is dedicated to improving student learning and not wasted on busy work and red tape. So they want to improve the education for all students by helping ALL stakeholders to DO more!

TeachersInTouch is designed to be interwoven into the school’s DNA. Parent/Teacher communication is more than just a series of updates. They believe communication builds relationships and trust. TeachersInTouch eases this important endeavor by affording the ability to create and use canned messages and letters; document all communications; schedule text messages; and remind you who to contact.

Response to intervention is key to closing the achievement gap and addressing the whole child. RTI is not only a best practice it is also required by law. Districts face lawsuits and fines because of lack of compliance. TeachersInTouch is where the rubber meets the road in the classroom. Completing your paperwork, documenting incidents, interventions, and results are all at your fingertips. Share this with your special education specialists. TeachersinTouch teaches children in the accountability age so we have to bring data to every conversation. Monitor attendance, behavior, and academics to identify students who need more support. Also monitor the school’s efforts in meeting all students’ needs.

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