Technology has the strength to change the face of the professional world. It holds within its grip the power to change the way this society functions. We have been keeping a watchful eye on the changing phase of the technical world. We have also seen the challenges that the businesses face due to lack of […]
Top Platforms to Build Chatbots
Chatbots have become the new frenzy of modern generation. Brands are using this technology to implement it in the chat system. Facebook has already opted for this arena. They have their own chatbot messenger. If you want to join the revolution as well, you can explore the various platforms that are available for chatbot building. […]
What is a chatbot, why you need it?
If you have attempted to get in touch with a company, you would know the depth of frustration which one goes through. Calling does not help as the caller is put through a lengthy process which does not yield result in the end. Though companies have implemented various improvement plans, the situation has not gone […]
How to create a custom registration form for native app using Ionic framework and PHP (for backend)
In this article we are going to build a simple registration form by using Ionic framework for front end and core Php for back end Step 1 Install Ionic Cordova. If you have done it already, skip this step. Step 2 app.module.ts Import http module as we will use http post method in our […]
Ruby on rails in ubuntu 16.04
PART -1 (Installation) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev nodejs cd git clone ~/.rbenv echo ‘export PATH=”$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH”‘ >> ~/.bashrc echo ‘eval “$(rbenv init -)”‘ >> ~/.bashrc exec $SHELL git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build echo ‘export PATH=”$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH”‘ >> ~/.bashrc exec $SHELL […]
Know the real tricks to keep users hooked to your Mobile App
Not long back the app development companies used to concentrate only on increasing the rate of their app downloads. Their success and achievements depended on the number of times the app gets downloaded. With the technology evolution, things changed. Now the application market is simply flooded with creative apps. Every day a new application get […]
5 Coding Languages – which are in demand in 2017
Today, in the world of computers there are several coding or programming languages that are being used by the developers. So, evidently, it is pretty difficult for individuals willing to dabble in the tech world, be it experienced developers or aspiring ones, to know what can take them further or give their career a kick […]
Mobile Apps- Transforming the World of Fitness
The mobility, as well as technological advancement of the modern day world, is undeniable. Its impact on the Fitness industry is also becoming evident with each passing day, thanks to the tablets, Smartphones and the varied dedicated fitness related Mobile Apps in it. The industry of Diagnostic and Healthcare Industry is gradually implementing the mobile […]
Launching a mobile app-know what should you avoid
Mobile application, the latest trend in the technology world, what should it be like? Well, should it be a great design and complicated to use? Or should it have good navigation, secured and super fast? In one word a mobile app has to be SIMPLE. Most of the time, the creator of the app forgets […]
Mistakes to avoid while creating a website
While browsing, you will probably find millions of websites available on internet. With the recent, craze of online search, probably thousands of websites are cropping up every day. The rush of creating a website, sometimes lead to choosing poor designing, which stops client or customers to fully connect with the brand. While creating a website, […]