
Learn the basic details of CSS here

By Sujata Biswas

Learn Basic CSS

Learn the basic details of CSS here

CSS is a web language, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets. With the help of it, we can make a web page attractive. It gives style to the pages. How our web pages look like that depends on CSS, a page can be displayed in a different look by it. By using CSS, we can control the HTML content’s color, font, background, etc. There are three kinds of CSS in it.

a> Inline CSS: It is written in the opening tags of HTML document by giving style attribute. Just like___

<!DOCTYPE html>




<p style=”background-color:blue; font-size:20px”>Hi I am Sujata Biswas</p>


Internal CSS:

It is written within the HTML document in the style tag of the head section













<p>Hi I am Sujata Biswas</p>



in this example “p” is selector, “color” is property and “red” is value.


External CSS:

it is written in another page and save it by .css extension and keep it in the CSS folder and keep a link within the HTML document.







rel=”stylesheet” href=”style.css” type=”text/css”>




<p>Hi I am Sujata Biswas</p>



Sujata Biswas Subscriber
Web Designer and Technology Enthusiast , Openweb Solutions

I am Sujata Biswas working as a Front-end developer at Openweb Solutions. But, I also like to study and learn about new technologies and write about them.

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